Alex Bannon

Product-Focused Senior Engineering Manager Who Never Shies Away from a Good Challenge

About Me

I never stop enjoying the endless depths of the engineering world. I approach management with a servant-leadership style; only by focusing on the good of the team, the department, and the company can we cultivate an environment where everyone grows.

Fintech and B2C background

See my full resume for more information.

BrowserSTREAMS -
Solo Project

A site where users can browse across multiple online streaming services - Netflix, Hulu, HBO, and Amazon. Stack: Node 7, Express, Redis, Postgres 9.6, Angular 1.6.2, JavaScript, jQuery, Guidebox and IMDb APIs, ImageMagick Image Transformations, and S3 file upload. Testing on Protractor and Mocha. Currently deployed on a t2 nano ec2 instance set up on an Amazon Linux AMI.

Repo on Github


Empty Desks

A to-do and task planner that allows multiple users to cross-collaborate on a given project. Integrates with a calendar in order to visualize tasks effectively. A MEAN stack app - MongoDB, Express, Angular, and Node.js - and deployed on Amazon Web Services, users can create a Desk, add members, add and edit lists, comment on the sidebar, and add a due date, all from their browser.

Repo on Github

Empty Desks

WanderList -
Collaborative Project - Project Lead

A site where users can pin locations, both past and future, to a map to visualize their travels. On this project I acted as lead, hosting the repo and overseeing pull requests as well as organizing daily structure, delegating tasks when necessary, and calling for group scrums to re-orient the project. User signup done through Twitter OAuth. Application uses Node.js and Express and all functionality is on a single page (apart from Authentication). Nav bar uses Bootstrap, responsiveness relies on jQuery and AJAX.

Deployed on Heroku

Repo on Github



A social media site done in Rails with handrolled user authentication. Utilizes five models including users, events, posts, comments, and a self-referential model of friends. Currently updating the site with more jQuery and AJAX calls in order to make it responsive.

Deployed on Heroku

Repo on Github


A Collaborative Project with UX

This project was a 2.5 day sprint that focused on the user experience process. Starting with a design studio, following it up with user research, scrapping everything and starting over, we finally arrived here, at a site that utilizes the Mapbox and Instagram APIs in order to show users photos based on location and keyword search. App utilizes a Rails back-end.

Deployed on Heroku

Repo on Github